360,00 390,00 

The Scuba Diver course was created for those who want to learn to dive but don’t have much time to dedicate to training and for those who intend to dive mainly with a dive guide.

Course duration: 2 days

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It is an intermediate preparation, which you can integrate later and obtain the Open Water Diver certification.

Includes: course materials, certification, 2 dives and equipment rental.


It qualifies you to dive up to 12 meters under the direct supervision of a Professional.

You will be able to get refills, rent equipment and participate in diving activities, as long as you are properly supervised.

You can continue your training by obtaining the Open Water Diver certification.

To enroll in a Scuba Diver course you must be at least 10 years old, know how to swim and be in good health. No previous diving experience is required.

Duration: 2 days

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